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850 Adams Point Dr
Garner, NC‎ 27529

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(919) 553-5352

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4086 NC Hwy 42
West, Garner, NC‎

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(919) 553-5352

Auto Glass Services

Same Day Auto Glass Service!

Auto Glass Repair, Replacement & ADAS recalibration services.

Capital Auto Glass always offers the most professional and reliable auto glass service with the experience to handle your auto glass needs with integrity, precision, and ease.

Our belief is that customer satisfaction is the most important thing. That’s why our team consists of only the most experienced, friendly, professional, well-trained, and certified technicians who use only the finest quality glass and materials.

Pro Tip

How do I decide whether to repair or replace my chipped or cracked windshield?

Your vehicle’s windshield plays an essential role in protecting you and your passengers from rain, wind and road debris while traveling.

Your windshield also functions as an important part of the automobile’s safety system by providing structural support for the roof. This added support helps prevent roof crushing should your vehicle experience a roll over. The repair or replacement of your windshield must be done properly to ensure your family’s driving safety!

Your ability to see clearly without obstruction is obviously the first priority.

If the damaged area is not in your direct line of vision on the driver side, and is smaller than a half dollar in size, then the windshield may be safely repaired. Insurance companies recommend that you have the windshield replaced if the damage is in your line of vision.

While the process used to fix chips or cracks in the windshield will stop breaks from getting larger, the repaired area will not be perfectly clear. If you own a new car, you may not be satisfied with a repair because of this slight cosmetic blemish in the glass. In this case, windshield replacement is your best option.

Most insurance companies will waive your deductible if you have your glass repaired.

The Best Auto Glass Repair & Replacement Services

The Professionals For All Your ADAS recalibration services Auto Glass Replacement, Repair Services.

Our technicians have over 20+ years of experience in windshield replacement, windshield installation and  windshield chip repair. All our work is guaranteed!

Here's what we do...

ADAS Calibration Services

Align sensing devices in your car so they function properly.

Auto Glass Repair

Most repairs can be done same day.

Auto Glass Installation

We have access to a large inventory of windshields and glass.

Chip Repairs

Stop that chip before it becomes a crack ​

Auto Glass replacement

Windshields - the front glass. Side glass - doors, quarters, and vents. Back glass - opposite the windshield.

Window regulators & motors

Motor, regulator, switch and window part repair.

OEM Auto Glass

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Auto Mirrors

When that outside mirror gets cracked, call us.. we can help.

Free Quotes!

We make it easy to get a quote for auto glass repair or replacement. Send us a request!

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* Mobile Auto Glass Services Available!

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Hassle Free Auto Glass Service!

Windshield Re-Calibration

Windshield ADAS Calibration Services.


Technology is constantly changing, and windshields are no exception.

Your windshield is not just a piece of glass. In many newer model vehicles with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) there are cameras, sensors and other equipment mounted on the windshield that can affect how your car functions. As windshields become more complex, so does the process for replacing them.

At Capital Auto Glass, we are experts at windshield replacement, including ADAS calibration. We have the expertise, tools and technology to get you back on the road safely.

When a windshield is replaced, all the ADAS equipment such as cameras and sensors are removed and re-attached.

A change in camera angle of just one degree can have a huge impact on the camera's viewing area, which can affect how the vehicle's ADAS features will work. The calibration process adjusts and tests all the cameras and sensors on the windshield to ensure they are still working properly after it is replaced. Without calibration, the vehicle's ADAS features may not function properly, which can lead to an accident.

Even though it sounds simple, calibration is a complex process that requires special equipment and training. The technicians at Capital Auto Glass are experienced with ADAS calibration using a custom tool called Autel™.

Once connected to the vehicle, Autel™ begins the camera aiming process and then works with the vehicle's computer to optimize camera alignment and restore it to the manufacturer's specifications.

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The Autel™ calibration process typically takes between 30 minutes to 2 hours.

It can be completed during the same visit as your windshield replacement. One type of calibration that Capital Auto Glass uses is a process called dynamic calibration, which requires the technician to drive the vehicle to calibrate the camera. The other type of calibration process is called static calibration, which is done in shop without having to drive the vehicle. Depending on which car manufacturer you have dictates which calibration we implement.

You should plan to leave your vehicle with us for at least a few hours if you need this service.

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